The Writing Process
Questions: What are some of the most memorable experiences of your life?
- Be the winner of speech contest in UNPAS.
- Got the best student in Junior High School .
- I have hanging out of flags when I was in Junior High School.
- I elected to be a chairman of accounting UNPAS students 2008.
- Perform with my first group band in campus.
- I have made an music event in this year.
- I elected to be a project manager in my event organizer 5 months ago.
- I'm still can believe that I'm an UPI's students, because its my dream when I was child.
- I almost got an motorcycle accident on my trip to Cianjur.
Free Writing
Topic: What is the most frightening experience you have ever had?
I almost got an accident when I was in trip by motorcycle to Cianjur. I don't know what to write. It happened on Cipatat. I drove my motorcycle by high speed, because there's something important event In Cianjur which I should to follow it. Maybe on 80 Km per hour, I drove my motorcycle. I don't know what to write And when I was in Cipatat, there's a bus in front of me. And I wont to formerly that bus. But, the road was mot straight. I don’t know what to write. Full with I don't know what to write I don't know what to write turn road. I pulled my gass and I would formerly the bus, when in the middle of the formerly, the road was turn right, and in front of me, there's a big car with fast. Oh.. I was so scared about it, and I was surprised. I'm so panic. I don't know what to do. I just drove my motorcycle with fast and scream to my Lord, I want a guard. And Alhamdulillah, I could formerly that bus without got an accident.
Topic: practice from what has wrote.
I almost got an accident when I was in trip by motorcycle to Cianjur. I don't know what to write. It happened on Cipatat. I drove my motorcycle by high speed, because there's something important event In Cianjur which I should to follow it. Maybe on 80 Km per hour, I drove my motorcycle. I don't know what to write And when I was in Cipatat, there's a bus in front of me. And I wont to formerly that bus. But, the road was mot straight. I don’t know what to write. Full with I don't know what to write I don't know what to write turn road. I pulled my gass and I would formerly the bus, when in the middle of the formerly, the road was turn right, and in front of me, there's a big car with fast. Oh.. I was so scared about it, and I was surprised. I'm so panic. I don't know what to do. I just drove my motorcycle with fast and scream to my Lord, I want a guard. And Alhamdulillah, I could formerly that bus without got an accident. And Allah still give me a chance to breath. Because this event, now I know that we have to carefully when on the road. Because its all about our safety.
From circled part text on top
We have to be a carefully man. In everything side, sure. But in this side, if we are on the way, actually when we drive a motorcycle or car, just slowly and don't be a bad driver on the way. Likes drive with high speed in wrong road. Because it can be a dangerous for us and for the others. If we hurried, ya we can drive our vehicle by fast, but there's some rules that we have to follow it. If we don’t follow it, yaa maybe it can be a worst things that you will get. Safety is number one. If we don't care about it, I think its bad news. Because it’s the most important things that we have to follow.
Topic: describe you your bedroom in the house you grew up in.
Comport bed
Good looking interior
Color full
Shiny paint
Great sound system
Far away from noises
Beautiful view
Good ventilation
Full of my favorite picture
Office in my bedroom
Topic: Do you agree with the English only policy at the English Language Classroom? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?
I. Introduction : There's an English only policy at the English Language Classroom. It is a policy that made for some of general purposes. Sure, it is not just an useless rules. Its has a purposes. But we are
not know yet, what is it? Its our task, to make it generally and to make it clear and we can know about what is it? Why it should
made? And is it advantages or disadvantages? We have to learn
more seriously about it.
II. Advantages :
a). It can be a practical study in English Language Classroom.
b). To make a generally situation for the students, actually in English.
c). It can increase the ability of students.
d). It can be a Learning by Doing activity.
III. Disadvantages :
a). Not all of the students has an ability and has brave to speak English.
b). It can be a pressure for the students who doesn't has an ability.
c). For some students, its difficult to do.
d). Its not effective policy.
IV. Conclusion :
The English only policy is great idea, but it can't apply in all of the classroom. Because the students in every class, has different abilities in English. It can be effective or not, depend on the abilities of the students. So this policy is not a solution.
Topic: Compare the similarities and differences between your cities and Bandung.
Cianjur Bandung
Size Smaller than Bandung Bigger
Status Residence City and Residence
Population Low High rate
Experience I have so many experiences at this town. Its unforgettable place. I will make an experience at this city.
Natural Cianjur still fresh and full of green plants. Its so enjoyable to live. Its hot city. Full of pollution, there's almost has a green place. Its not pure more.
Development This town has low development, its so far away from "city". It’s a big city. Its great.
Topic: What are some things that you have learned in your life so far?
Success boy Fun Like
Funny story Chemist
Hard Formal Education
Physic advantages
learning Don’t like
I hate this Mathematic Biology
UPI Know about body
Life Education Parents English so like it
Good people useful
Honestly Skill
Great experience
Soft skills
Playing drum ride motorcycle
show accident