
welcome in the fuckin pages dude!haha

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

ini warnet punya insan....

warnet ini bernama Fathan net...nama ini sengaja aku kasih karena fathan itu nama sepupu aku, nah papahnya dia tuh om aku..nah om aku ituu,yang ngasih tempat buat aku biar bisa buka warnet inii...hehe
edan dong perjuangan aku buat merealisasikan mimpi aku yang satu ini..
aku awalnya cuman berangan-angan aja sih pengen punya usaha sendirii gitu...
truss aku mikir, kalo ga ada action nya...kapan mimpi itu bisa terwujud....
dan akhirnya,pertolongan Allah datang..jreng-jreenngggg..
Om aku ngasih modalgitulah buat aku, kurang lebih sepuluh jutaan..
dia invest sama aku buat warnet..
ohh goodd.....
durian macam apa yang ada didepanku sekarang..huhu (alay)
yauda, aku beli PC,pasang jaringan,Pasang Speedy, Pasang listrik, Jual motor(buat nambahin modal,gilaa ekstrim yah), ngedekor bangunannya, beli meja,beli kertas, beli blutut, kabel data,dannn seabreggggg 'piduiteun' lainnyaa...
truus aku cari pegawai deh 1 orang..
warnet aku berjalaannnn...

dan aku jadi pengusaha muda deng...heheheuuuu

penghasilan aku dah I juta per 2minggu..hehe

surat untuk mamah..haha

October 22th 2009

Dear my lovely mom
Hard to stay away from you mom. I miss your smile, your love and I miss your embrace. I never forget to pray to my Lord for your goodness and happiness along your days. I wish that Allah always blessed you mom, amin.
Your nice boy now has grown up, I’m not a child more mom. I have been past my childhood. And next thing to you know is my physical appearance and my vision has grown up too. Everything about my self are different from my childhood. I have became a mature man who have responsibility about my assigned.
I have several things that I want to share with you. And one of them is I have been had a business company. The business is in wardrobe aspect. I have built it with my friend. We join together to make the company. And Alhamdulillah because of your pray and Allah’s blessed, the company has built and ready to operate.
I want to share the others about my life but I can’t because limited time and situation. I’m promise I’ll send you a letter again.
Keep smiling and loving me mom…
I do miss you..

Your first sweetheart


SNMPTN baheula...heheuy

Daftar Nama Peserta Lulus SNMPTN 2009

Jurusan/Prodi Bahasa Inggris
Nomor Seleksi Nama Lengkap
2091501900 JUDIKA SINAGA
2093302758 HASAH HASANAH
2093400005 RINDRA NURIZA
2093400384 NADYA DEWANTI K
2093401151 FITRI ROBIAH
2093403329 RAMADHAN
2093403465 GERY NUGROHO
2093403770 RYAN NUR HAKIM
2093403937 SELVY S FITRIAN
2093405113 DOSY JANWAR G
2093405124 RISNA UTAMI
2093405259 YEFTA ELIA LAOH
2093405433 ANDI ANANDA A M S M
2093405729 GERRY ARDIAN A
2093408130 YOGA BRAHMA
2093408214 TAUFIQ ARIEF G
2093408618 DESSYANA D
3091111095 KAMARUDDIN KS
3091703995 ANISA FURQONI
3093300230 BOBBY SANDER
3093302249 KHAERUL MARUF
3093400058 SANDI JUANDI
3093400159 SANTI PUSPITA
3093400395 AUDREY YUSI A
3093400493 MEGA YULIANTI
3093400521 ISA MARTIAN
3093400676 M FAJAR F
3093400894 ANEYSA MEUTIA H
3093401372 ANDI YANA
3093403314 MONALISA
3093403490 VIENA MUTIARA U A
3093403638 FAHREZI
3093403769 AGUNG NUGRAHA
3093404748 RIA K ARIESTHYA
3093405790 OKKY PERTIWI
3093405982 ATIN SUHARTI I
3093406250 AKMAL RIZAL

narsis lagi ahh...heheuy

Insan Fadilah Fulki, that's my full name. And my nickname is Icand. I was born in Bandung, June 26th 1990. I am nineteen years old. I have straight hair. My weight is about 53 kg with tall is 172 cm, it’s a size of thin people. My skin is dark, but many people told me that I am a pretty cute person with the color of my skin. Yeah, maybe I am not a perfect one, but I thankfully to the God who already gave me this body.
Everyone who knows about me, says that I am a sociable person. And I think what those people said is true. Because I can socialize with the other people in any situation. I am a person who doesn't usually worry or get angry to the other. It can say that I'm nice person. I am not over confident with my self, but I'm sure that I'm a bit complex person.
Sometimes I get angry, because there are several things which makes me upset, likes when there's people blow up smoke in my face. And the other is I don't like when people make noises which disturb me.
I have a several hobbies, like football, playing drum, listening music, reading, watching movies and so on.
And Know, I am a college students in English literature program in Indonesia University of Education.


Visiting Lombok
Lombok was a small place in the south part of Indonesia. It’s a part of Nusa Tenggara Island. Even though this place was small and not really interesting place to visit, but it has an inner power as a wonderful place to visit. It’s consist of many beach, seashores, seas, mountainous, and next thing to you know is pearl. There were so many places to see in Lombok. My uncle stayed in Lombok. He spent a half part of his life in that place. And someday my uncle invited me to saw Lombok. I was surprised, because I was in holiday and feel bored stayed at home. I got that invitation like got a miracle from the God. I didn’t think anymore and just was accepting that invitation.
And On the day of the tour, he was ready. My friend and his group drove on through mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but quiet town. The street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late in the evening to Kuta.
The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture. There my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. The next stop was Celuk, a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he stopped a little while for lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center
My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tour, all his day was spent on the beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day. He was quiet satisfied.


The Writing Process

Questions: What are some of the most memorable experiences of your life?
- Be the winner of speech contest in UNPAS.
- Got the best student in Junior High School .
- I have hanging out of flags when I was in Junior High School.
- I elected to be a chairman of accounting UNPAS students 2008.
- Perform with my first group band in campus.
- I have made an music event in this year.
- I elected to be a project manager in my event organizer 5 months ago.
- I'm still can believe that I'm an UPI's students, because its my dream when I was child.
- I almost got an motorcycle accident on my trip to Cianjur.

Free Writing
Topic: What is the most frightening experience you have ever had?
I almost got an accident when I was in trip by motorcycle to Cianjur. I don't know what to write. It happened on Cipatat. I drove my motorcycle by high speed, because there's something important event In Cianjur which I should to follow it. Maybe on 80 Km per hour, I drove my motorcycle. I don't know what to write And when I was in Cipatat, there's a bus in front of me. And I wont to formerly that bus. But, the road was mot straight. I don’t know what to write. Full with I don't know what to write I don't know what to write turn road. I pulled my gass and I would formerly the bus, when in the middle of the formerly, the road was turn right, and in front of me, there's a big car with fast. Oh.. I was so scared about it, and I was surprised. I'm so panic. I don't know what to do. I just drove my motorcycle with fast and scream to my Lord, I want a guard. And Alhamdulillah, I could formerly that bus without got an accident.

Topic: practice from what has wrote.
I almost got an accident when I was in trip by motorcycle to Cianjur. I don't know what to write. It happened on Cipatat. I drove my motorcycle by high speed, because there's something important event In Cianjur which I should to follow it. Maybe on 80 Km per hour, I drove my motorcycle. I don't know what to write And when I was in Cipatat, there's a bus in front of me. And I wont to formerly that bus. But, the road was mot straight. I don’t know what to write. Full with I don't know what to write I don't know what to write turn road. I pulled my gass and I would formerly the bus, when in the middle of the formerly, the road was turn right, and in front of me, there's a big car with fast. Oh.. I was so scared about it, and I was surprised. I'm so panic. I don't know what to do. I just drove my motorcycle with fast and scream to my Lord, I want a guard. And Alhamdulillah, I could formerly that bus without got an accident. And Allah still give me a chance to breath. Because this event, now I know that we have to carefully when on the road. Because its all about our safety.
From circled part text on top
We have to be a carefully man. In everything side, sure. But in this side, if we are on the way, actually when we drive a motorcycle or car, just slowly and don't be a bad driver on the way. Likes drive with high speed in wrong road. Because it can be a dangerous for us and for the others. If we hurried, ya we can drive our vehicle by fast, but there's some rules that we have to follow it. If we don’t follow it, yaa maybe it can be a worst things that you will get. Safety is number one. If we don't care about it, I think its bad news. Because it’s the most important things that we have to follow.

Topic: describe you your bedroom in the house you grew up in.
Comport bed
Good looking interior
Color full
Shiny paint
Great sound system
Far away from noises
Beautiful view
Good ventilation
Full of my favorite picture
Office in my bedroom

Topic: Do you agree with the English only policy at the English Language Classroom? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?
I. Introduction : There's an English only policy at the English Language Classroom. It is a policy that made for some of general purposes. Sure, it is not just an useless rules. Its has a purposes. But we are
not know yet, what is it? Its our task, to make it generally and to make it clear and we can know about what is it? Why it should
made? And is it advantages or disadvantages? We have to learn
more seriously about it.
II. Advantages :
a). It can be a practical study in English Language Classroom.
b). To make a generally situation for the students, actually in English.
c). It can increase the ability of students.
d). It can be a Learning by Doing activity.
III. Disadvantages :
a). Not all of the students has an ability and has brave to speak English.
b). It can be a pressure for the students who doesn't has an ability.
c). For some students, its difficult to do.
d). Its not effective policy.
IV. Conclusion :
The English only policy is great idea, but it can't apply in all of the classroom. Because the students in every class, has different abilities in English. It can be effective or not, depend on the abilities of the students. So this policy is not a solution.

Topic: Compare the similarities and differences between your cities and Bandung.
Cianjur Bandung
Size Smaller than Bandung Bigger
Status Residence City and Residence
Population Low High rate
Experience I have so many experiences at this town. Its unforgettable place. I will make an experience at this city.
Natural Cianjur still fresh and full of green plants. Its so enjoyable to live. Its hot city. Full of pollution, there's almost has a green place. Its not pure more.
Development This town has low development, its so far away from "city". It’s a big city. Its great.

Topic: What are some things that you have learned in your life so far?

Success boy Fun Like
Funny story Chemist

Hard Formal Education
Physic advantages
learning Don’t like
I hate this Mathematic Biology

UPI Know about body
Life Education Parents English so like it

Good people useful
Honestly Skill
Great experience
Soft skills
Playing drum ride motorcycle

show accident

Small Things for Better Living

Small Things for Better Living

Earth is a place for living creature to live. It is like the only one place which there is no the others can replace it. It lived by hundred billion of people. So, it is a place for human and others living creature to live.
Earth contain from many aspects. Such as ground, air, water, stone, iron, and so on.
With instant global news available more so in the last ten years, we are more aware of the environmental changes happening around the world and the effects it is having on the Earth. Although the Earth has always had natural disasters, we are now in grave danger of tipping the balance to the point of no return. Never before in our lifetime has humankind destroyed the one thing that has kept us alive, the great Rainforests.
The real killer to the environment is carbon dioxide. Those of you not aware of the process and believe me, not many people are, carbon dioxide that is emitted into the air from sources such as transport, machinery and industrial pollution and an increasing population and with such a build up of chemical emissions, they need to go somewhere.
And to resolve that problems and maybe to heal the disease of our earth, there are several things which we can try to do to save our earth. The steps will be informed bellow:
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning
3. Drive less and drive smart
4. Buy Efficient Product
5. Use Less Hot Water
6. Use the Off Switch
7. Plant a Tree
8. Encourage Others

Earth is a place for living creature to live. It is like the only one place which there is no the others can replace it. It lived by hundred billion of people. So, it is a place for human and others living creature to live.
Earth contain from many aspects. Such as ground, air, water, stone, iron, and so on.
With instant global news available more so in the last ten years, we are more aware of the environmental changes happening around the world and the effects it is having on the Earth. Although the Earth has always had natural disasters, we are now in grave danger of tipping the balance to the point of no return. Never before in our lifetime has humankind destroyed the one thing that has kept us alive, the great Rainforests.
The real killer to the environment is carbon dioxide. Those of you not aware of the process and believe me, not many people are, carbon dioxide that is emitted into the air from sources such as transport, machinery and industrial pollution and an increasing population and with such a build up of chemical emissions, they need to go somewhere.
And to resolve that problems and maybe to heal the disease of our earth, there are several things which we can try to do to save our earth. The steps will be informed bellow:
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning
3. Drive less and drive smart
4. Buy Efficient Product
5. Use Less Hot Water
6. Use the Off Switch
7. Plant a Tree
8. Encourage Others


My life has changed when I lived far away from my lovely mom. I have new habitual or way to enjoy the life. I live with my uncle now. There are several activities which are different than when I was living with my parents. For example, when I got up in the morning I always made up bad and then taking a wudlu, but now, when I get up in the morning I don't make up the bed. It's sound strange, when I used to do a habitual, but present I don't do that. But I mean, it's doesn't mean that I am a lazy person. It happened because there is a reason why I don't do that, and the reason is my aunt forbid me to make up the bed. Until this time, I don't know why my aunt forbid me to make up the bed.
The other things about what I always do are fairly similar with another people. When I get up, I take a wudlu and then I pray subuh. After that, I always sweep the floor and water the flowers in front of the house. My friends said that I'm a weird man. Because I don't make up the bed, but I always water the flowers. They laugh to me. I know about that but I don't care. I think I'm in the right way, so I shouldn't listen their useless words.
When I finished watering the flowers, I have a breakfast first and then take a bath. After that, I wear the clothes and I styling my hair. Then, next activity what I usually do after styling my hair is prepare my motorcycle. I turn the motorcycle on for intention make the machines getting heat and ready to use.
I go to campus everyday except Sunday. There are many activities during weekdays. Beside study at the campus, I play futsal too. The other is I should look after my business company, because I have a company which works in wardrobe side. I'm not only a pure student who just goes to campus for studying only, but I'm a student who have many business and have an independent life. Because my effort, Alhamdulillah I can resolve my problems by my self, actually in material aspect.
After spend my day and do what I always do everyday, I return home. But, sometimes I return home not on time, because I have appointments with my friends. If I have been in the house, the first thing I should do is eat. I always eat some food or munching the snack. After that, I do my assignments and listening to music at my bed room. I don't watching TV much, because in my opinion watching TV is not really give me gains, it's just a useless thing which can spend my time.
If everything has done, the next is my favorite activity, that is go to bed and sleep well.
Good bye!

Cerita tentang aing dikit..hehe :)

I was born in Bandung, a big city that is developing itself in all aspect of life. But I don't live in the city since my parents have built a beautiful house in another city of west java, the city is Cianjur.
My house is located in Cianjur, with the fresh air and pure environment. It's not the biggest house, but I'm sure that my house is the most enjoyable and comfortable house. It's placed not near the city, far away from the centre cities. And then takes few minutes from the main road.
My house has green color, actually not really large, but more than enough for our family. There are a lot off plants in front of the house, because my lovely Mom likes them so much. The floor is green. But the doors and frames of windows has different color, the color is white. There are several rooms, there are balcony with chairs and wood table, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and warehouse. The house is complete but not have a large garage because the house far away from the main road.
At the living room there are a coffee table, china, sofa, unique furniture and then photos of my family. There are 4 bedrooms, one for my parents and the three ones for their son and daughter. Especially in my bedroom, there's so many picture in the wall, laptop, great sound system, a cabinet, and there's a comfort bed.



Sastra Inggris. Ya, itulah salah satu program studi yang ada di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Kadang orang bertanya, kenapa ada program studi seperti itu. Bahkan ada yang berpendapat sastra Inggris hanya sebuah kamuflase dari sebuah formalitas pembelajaran yang tidak jelas kemana arah tujuannya. Semua orang bisa belajar bahasa Inggris tanpa perlu mendalaminya secara lebih lanjut di pendidikan tinggi. Sarjana apapun itu, apakah yang bergerak dibidang sains ataupun yang bergerak dibidang sosial, kini sudah banyak yang menguasai Bahasa Inggris.
Lalu kenapa, masih ada suatu disiplin ilmu yang terdapat di perguruan tinggi yang mendalami tentang bahasa Inggris. Apakah ini berguna? Ataukah hanya sebuah kesenangan batiniah yang dituangkan dalam suatu racikan pendidikan formal? Lalu apakah bedanya sastra Inggris dengan Bahasa Inggris? Mari kita membuka impuls saraf otak kiri kita utuk dapat mencerna hal-hal tersebut.
Pemahaman mengenai perbedaan bahasa Inggris dengan sastra Inggris bukanlah merupakan suatu hal yang dapat menguras banyak energi. Kedua hal tersebut adalah suatu hal yang tidak ada bedanya. Kalau dilihat dari segi etimologis mungkin ada perbedaaan, tapi untuk segi esensi, bahasa dan sastra itu memiliki keterkaitan dan kesinambungan untuk membentuk suatu kesatuan yang majemuk. Bahasa dan sastra Inggris merupakan suatu disiplin ilmu yang bergerak dalam pemahaman mendalam mengenai seluk-beluk dan segala hal yang bersangkutan dengan bahasa Inggris. Apakah itu tentang pemakaiannya, manfaatnya, ataupun hubungan dengan disiplin ilmu yang lain.
Kita harus jeli melihat suatu fenomena yang terjadi di sekeliling kita. Salah satunya mengenai wacana yang menyatakan bahwa, "tak usah Kau kuliah di bahasa Inggris, kurang berprospek bagus, karena semua sarjana kini sudah bisa berbahasa Inggris. Kalau Kau mengambil jurusan lain dan berbahasa Inggris, itu baru pilihan tepat!". Sepertinya hal tersebut memang benar adanya, tapi apakah memang benar sepenuhnya?.Penulis berpendapat bahwa justru wacana tadi merupakan pemahaman yang salah kaprah.
Terlalu banyak orang kini yang menyepelekan terhadap bahasa Inggris. Entah itu pemakaiannya ataupun manfaatnya. Tapi dunia kini sudah beda. Zaman telah berangsur mengedepankan kemajuan. Globalisasi berbagai aspek kehidupan sudah tidak dapat dibendung lagi, dan alat vital untuk menghadapi itu semua adalah bahasa Inggris. Apakah semua orang sudah bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar?.Apakah para pejabat Negara sudah dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan pejabat luar tanpa menggunakan bantuan translater?.Apakah instansi pemerintahan dan perusahaan sudah mampu berdiri sendiri dalam membuat modul dan advertisement bahkan regulasi berbahasa Inggris tanpa bantuan editor bahasa Inggris?.Apakah semua anak sekolah sudah tidak lagi membutuhkan guru bahasa Inggris untuk dapat belajar bahasa Inggris?.Apakah orang-orang sudah tidak membutuhkan lagi tempat kursus dan les bahasa Inggris?
Di atas merupakan hanya sebagian kecil alasan mengapa orang yang memahami lebih dalam berbahasa Inggris sangat diperlukan. Dan masih banyak alasan lain yang mendukung pernyataan tersebut.
Mungkin semua jawaban dari wacana yang menyatakan bahwa "prospek kuliah di jurusan bahasa inggris itu kurang jelas" sudah dapat teridentifikasi. Pembuktian bahwa paradigma tidak dapat dijadikan acuan tanpa dibandingkan dengan realitas yang ada. Berpikir kritis bukan berarti mengidentifikasi aspek negatif dari suatu hal, tapi menyelaraskan hasil proses pemikiran otak dengan realita yang terjadi.
Didalam benak masyarakat awam, bila mendengarkan kata Sastra Inggris maka yang pertama kali muncul didalam imajinasi adalah kata Novel, puisi atau film berbahasa Inggris, padahal didalam Sastra Inggris ada begitu banyak Minor Field-nya seperti: Kajian Budaya baik budaya lokal maupun budaya Manca, Linguistics; mulai dari Phonology, morphology, Syntax, Grammar, Discourse Analysis yang bercabang menjadi socio linguistics, Psycholinguistics, stylistics dan lainnya berpaduan antara Linguistics dan ilmu-ilmu lain, ada juga yang disebut kajian Semiotika, kajian structuralis, kajian feminisme, kajian Dekonstruksi dan lainnya, tentu saja ilmu-ilmu tersebut diarahkan secara sistimatik dengan tahapan sebagai berikut (dibuat mudah dipahami) :
1. Tahapan Knowledge ( Istilah-istilah, Teori-teori, definisi, dan yang sejenis nya)
2. Tahapan Comprehension ( tahapan pemahaman fungsidan guna ilmu tersebut )
3. Tahapan Application ( tahapan bagaimana menggunakan ilmu tersebut dalam
4. Tahapan Analysis ( bagaimana menggunakan suatu ilmu untuk menganalisa )
5. Tahapan Men-syintesis (Tahapan pengembangan ilmu pada suatu sintesa baru),dan
6. Tahapan Evaluation ( tahapan dimana ilmu digunakan untuk mengevaluasi atau
penilaian pada suatu Phenomena yang ada di dalam masyarakat )
Selain hal-hal tersebut diatas Sastra Inggris juga mengajarkan mata kuliah keahlian bermasyarakat yang lain seperti : Public speaking, Journalisme, english for business dll, jadi tidak sepenuhnya benar anggapan masyarakat mengenai jurusan Sastra Inggris; hanya mempelajari bahasa Inggris, novel, puisi, drama, tetapi ada begitu sarat dengan ilmu-ilmuy populer lainnya. catatan sejarah membuktikan bahwa Dokter ternama seperti Sigmund Freud Mengalihkan perhatiannya pada ilmu yang satu ini. Jadi, bahasa Inggris merupakan suatu aspek disiplin ilmu yang bermanfaat.


Referensi: http//:www.blogmyblog/chaerudin_anwar2008

partere punya aing!hahay


We are as a student of Indonesia University of Education should be proud because our buildings of the campus are one of the greatest in West Java. There are several buildings which have historical stories, and one of them is Partere. Partere is a building which inheritance of Holland. And it was built long time ago.
This building is very unique, because the structure and the architecture of the building made by architect from the other country. So it's look like one of the building in Europe. Partere has a park which placed in front of it. There are a lot of plants and there are several ponds in the park. And, if we go to this place, we would see a big bayan tree. It is planted in front of parterre. The tree is very large and full of leaves. But sometimes, it's look so terrible.
Long time ago, partere is a building for family living. But now, partere is a building of Headmaster of UPI. The leaders of UPI work every weekdays in that building. So, it has be one of the importance building in UPI now.
But not only the leaders who stays for work there. There are students too. But the students go there and spending their time are not to work, but for relaxing their mind and enjoy the view. Because we can feel enjoy and peace if we stay there.
This place looks interesting and beautiful in the morning till afternoon., but it would looks terrible at night. This is not just an opinion, but it's true. If you don't believe about this, you should check it. Go to Partere which placed in Setiabudhi, actually in UPI complex, and unless you have arrived in the gate of UPI, you have to turn left and you will see a white building near of large bayan tree. That building is Partere. Go there and feel the sensation.